#06 - Writing to sell!


To the writer and novelist of course, every word they write is blindingly commercial and readers will be flooding Amazon with so many orders when their new work is released, the website itself will crash in overload. Unfortunately, we can guarantee that this will not be the case. The most popular self published EBook categories at the time of writing still remain thriller, mystery and then romance. But the publishing business is very fickle and best selling genres can change overnight. The secret is of course to know what the next best selling genre will be … and then write a novel for it. Producing a character that has 'legs' and can be the central figure in a series of novels in episodic format is also a popular way to go. If you are writing to sell in substantial numbers … then you will need to research what is selling now … and what is forecast to sell in 12 months time. Producing a best-selling novel is not purely a matter of talent … it's much more a matter of luck. The more you research what you should be writing, the luckier you will get.