A word after a word after a word is power ... Margaret Atwood

Memorial Plaque - Paul Jennings
Memorial Plaque - Paul Jennings

Please note the opinions expressed here are not neccessarily the opinions of individual HWG members.

Writing Tips from HWG

The obvious and the not so obvious ...

This page is our tips blog providing

the new writer with insights to some

routes to writing excellence, pitfalls,

warnings and reasons to simply

carry on.

As a first time writer of a book in the general genre of 'fiction', what options do you think might be available to you when it comes to having your work published? If you are lucky enough to be a published author and not simply a 'writer' any more, what options did you have when looking to get your work published?...

There are of course many writers' diseases you should endeavor to inoculate yourself against. The result of catching one may simply cost you an irritating but short loss of time which means your manuscript will take longer to produce than originally planned. In the very worst case, the writer will give up altogether. There is one thing to remember...

For the new author with a manuscript ready to go, you have to think about the 'production' of your work. Probably the first thing to tackle is a cover ... or jacket. If you are only self-publishing in EBook format, then you will need an eye catching cover image. If you are looking to produce your book in a paperback...

After you have passed through the purgatorial process of writing your very first novel you have one big question to answer ... and that is: 'Who, in all reality, is going to not only publish your book, but hopefully give you some money for the privilege?' This is not an easy question to answer in an industry worth around $35...

Being at the stage of having now written your book, edited it to perfection, produced a dazzling cover in full color and had the 'feel' of it in your hand, you now have to sell it. Yes the elephant in the room really is the art of 'marketing' with some seeing it as big 'con' and others conceiving the...

As a first time writer of a book in the general genre of 'fiction', what options do you think might be available to you when it comes to having your work published? If you are lucky enough to be a published author and not simply a 'writer' any more, what options did you have when looking to get your work published?...

It's that time of year again. The so-called 'Vanity Press' barons are hawking their wares once more looking for the best pickings of the very best season; Christmas and New Year. It is estimated that many millions will enter their already overloaded coffers by preying upon sentimentality and the vanity of a section of the public with too much money...

As the tools that stimulate our imagination, help us write the words and then publish them to the world become easier to find and even easier to work with ... all without leaving the close confines of a bedroom, then, for the beleaguered writer there is not much else that can go wrong ... is there? Of course there is...

Yes we do! Writers groups provide the lonely writer with the ability to mix with like-minded people; learn from experienced individuals and gather ideas for writing projects. They can also be 'fun' nights out and serve to be that little 'lift' required when slightly 'out of ideas'. Yes it really is true that being a writer is a lonely business...

Maybe you have no ambition for your work other than to see it published and have some printed copies, with a nice glossy cover, to hand round at parties and send to all your friends at Christmas. If this is the case, then you have the freedom to write as you wish, write as you feel you should, and write...

To the writer and novelist of course, every word they write is blindingly commercial and readers will be flooding Amazon with so many orders when their new work is released, the website itself will crash in overload. Unfortunately, we can guarantee that this will not be the case. The most popular self published EBook categories at the time of...